Public Interest Disclosures

The Shire values honesty and integrity as well as openness, transparency and accountability in everything it does. The Shire does not tolerate corrupt or other improper conduct, including mismanagement of public resources, in the exercise of its public functions.

The Shire is committed to the aims and objectives of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003. (PID Act). The PID Act provides a system for the matters disclosed to be investigated about wrongdoing within the State public sector, local government and public universities without fear of reprisal and it’s broad aim is to ensure openness and accountability in government to:

  • facilitate and encourage people to make disclosures of public interest information;
  • provide protection for those who make disclosures; and
  • provide protection for those who are subject of a disclosure.

The Shire will take all reasonable steps to provide protection to those who make such disclosures from any detrimental action in reprisal for the making a public interest disclosure.

Further information about public information disclosures can be found on the Public Sector Commissioners Website (Public Disclosure Resources,) or by alternately calling the PID Advice and Referral Line on 1800 676 607.

For more information on making a disclosure about this Shire, contact our designated Public Information Disclosure Officer:

Public Interest Disclosure Officer
Officer name Darren Kennedy
Address Shire of Ashburton, PO Box 567, Tom Price WA 6751
Phone 08 9188 4444
Email [email protected]

All correspondence relating to disclosures must be marked 'Private and Confidential'.

For further information related to Public Interest Disclosure please refer to the attached documents:

 Frequently Asked Questions

 PID Procedures