Event and Alcohol Permit Applications

An event is classified as any gathering of people brought together for a common purpose by some prearrangement. However, certain events may be exempt from requiring an event permit based on the risk to public health and safety.

All events require an application form, but if you are unsure whether your event may be exempt, please contact the Shire at [email protected].

Our event guide will assist you in identifying basic standards and safety measures to satisfy the approving authorities and ensure the safety of participants.

Public Events Guide  

Application Forms

Event Application Form

Application to Consume Alcohol on Council Property

Notification Form for an Exempt Food Business

Application for Certificate of Electrical Compliance

Application for Approval as a Non-Complying Event

Application to Consume Alcohol on Council Property

If alcohol is to be consumed within a Shire owned or managed facility or reserve, an application to consume alcohol on council property will be required.

The below application is to allow alcohol consumption on council property for BYO, supply or sale and does not replace the requirement to apply for an occasional licence with Racing Gaming and Liquor.

Application to Consume Alcohol on Council Property


The application fee for the consumption of alcohol permit is $26.00 per permit as per the current adopted Fees and Charges Schedule.

Breeches to the conditions of this permit

Should the Shire become aware of breeches to the conditions of the application/permit, the Shire may report these to the Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor and may refuse further applications.


Glassware is not permitted on council property unless otherwise approved by the Shire. If you wish to use glass in/on council property you must supply a letter requesting the use and what type of glassware and submit this along with your application.

Occasional Liquor Licence – Issued by Racing Gaming and Liquor

Please see Occasional liquor licence | DLGSC for more information on occasional licence requirements and exemptions. Please note that the licensing timeframe is at least 14 days before the event for up to 500 patrons.