Codes of Conduct

The Shire of Ashburton (Shire) is resolute about implementing and monitoring practices to prevent misconduct, corruption and fraud and that promote positive conduct, behaviour and ethics. The Shire has separate Codes of Conduct for elected members and employees to ensure and promote ethical, transparent and honest dealings with the community and others;

Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates

Local governments in accordance with Section 5.104 of the Local Government Act 1995 and the Local Government (Model Code of Conduct) Regulations 2021 are required to prepare and adopt a Code of Conduct to be observed by Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates*.

This Code of Conduct is to contain matters prescribed by the regulations and the content may also provide further provisions about the expectations of Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates.  The Shire’s adopted Code of Conduct provides:

  • Overarching principles to guide behaviour;
  • Behaviours and complaints which are managed by local governments; and
  • Rules of conduct contraventions of which are considered by the independent Local Government Standards Panel, where appropriate.

*an individual is considered a Candidate when their nomination for a local government election is accepted by a Returning Officer under section 4.49 of the Local Government Act 1995. The Code of Conduct then applies to that individual from that point. Any alleged breach of the Model Code may only be addressed if and when the individual is elected as a council member.

Under this Code of Conduct, complaints regarding alleged breaches by a Council Member, Committee Member or a Candidate are internally administered by the executive, or by referral to the Local Government Standards Panel depending on the particular situation.

For information about the Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates, please refer to the documents or the general guidelines link listed below:

Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates

Breach Form - Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidate

Council Policy – Complaints Management

model-code-of-conduct-guidelines.pdf (

Local Government Employees

Local government employees are public sector employees who deliver vital services in the community. Section 5.51A of the Local Government Act 1995 requires the Shire’s Chief Executive Officer to prepare and implement a Code of Conduct to be observed by employees (Employee Code of Conduct).

The Employees Code of Conduct implemented contains the matters prescribed in Part 4A of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, that include:

  • Behaviour;
  • Gifts;
  • Disclosure of information and financial interests;
  • Use of information and resources;
  • Record keeping; and
  • Reporting and managing misconduct.

For information about the implemented Employee Code of Conduct, please refer to the document below:

Employee Code of Conduct


CEO (Chief Executive Officer) Recruitment, Performance Review and Termination

Local governments, in accordance with Section 5.39A(1)of the Local Government Act 1995 and the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, are required to prepare and adopt Standards for CEO Recruitment, Performance Review and Termination (Standard).

This Standard provides a consistent and equitable process for CEO recruitment, performance reviews and termination, based on the important principles of merit, equity and transparency.

For more information on the Standard f, please refer to the document listed below.

Standards for CEO Recruitment, Performance and Termination