Are you eligible to vote?

One of the most important factors that determines if you are eligible to vote at local government elections is whether you are registered.

For local government elections, the Shire uses two electoral rolls –  

  • a Residents Roll; and  
  • a Non-Residents Owners and Occupiers Roll. 

Residents who live in the Shire and are enrolled to vote in the State or Federal elections for where they live are automatically enrolled to vote (and they appear on the Western Australian Electoral Commissions - Residents Roll).  Owners or occupiers of rateable land who live outside of the district or a ward in which the property is located may be entitled to vote, if they are on the Shire's Owners and Occupiers Roll 

Enrolments for the owners and occupiers roll: 

  • Enrolment of non-resident owners or occupiers is not automatic (a written application is required).
  • When individuals are applying in their own names either as owners or occupiers, the enrolment eligibility claim form is used. 
  • When individuals are being nominated by a corporate body as owner nominees or occupier nominees, the enrolment eligibility claim form is also used and sufficient information must be provided about the corporate body involved. 
  • Enrolment claims can be lodged at any time however, enrolments for any particular election close 50 days before election day. 

    Non-resident owner’s eligibility 

    • Each rateable property may claim up to two owners or owner nominees on the roll. 
    • If a property is owned by an individual person, that person may be eligible to enrol. 
    • An individual may only enrol once regardless of the number of properties owned within the Shire. 
    • An owner remains on the roll until the property is sold or in the case of owner nominees, either until the property is sold or the corporate body changes its nominees. 

    Joint owner’s eligibility 

    • Where a rateable property is owned by more than two persons, two of the owners may be eligible to enrol with the written agreement of a majority of the owners. 
    • Where a property is owned by a corporate body, the corporate body may nominate one or two people to go onto the roll. 
    • A corporate body may only nominate two people onto the roll regardless of the number of properties owned in the Shire. 
    • The nominees remain on the roll until either the property is sold, or the corporate body changes its nominees. 

    Occupier eligibility 

    • Each rateable property that is occupied may claim up to two occupiers or occupier nominees on the roll. 
    • The occupier must have a right of continuous occupation of that property for at least three months from the date of application. 
    • The applicant is not required to provide proof of this in the first instance, but the Shire may request proof of continuous occupation. 
    • Where an individual occupies the property he or she may be eligible to enrol. 
    • Where two or more individuals jointly occupy a property up to two of them may be eligible to enrol (with the written agreement of a majority where there are three or more co-occupiers). 
    • A corporate body that occupies property may nominate up to two people to go onto the roll. 
    • An individual may only enrol once regardless of the number of properties occupied and a corporate body may only nominate two people regardless of the number of properties occupied in the Shire of Ashburton. 
    • Occupiers and occupier nominees remain on the roll for a period of two elections after their enrolment is accepted and are then taken off the roll six months after the second election. They must then re-enrol if they wish to continue as electors. 

      Enrolment Eligibility Claim forms can be found here: Enrolment Eligibility Claim Form