Local History Enquiry and Donation Form

At the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 19 November 2024, Council adopted the Local History Strategy 2025 – 2029, an exciting project of setting out how to preserve, collect, document, and promote the decades of history in our region.

Our vision for Local history is to have structure surrounding the retention and recording of local history within our communities.  We have six key plans all endorsed through council.  They are:

  1. Oral History Plan 
  2. Digitisation Plan 
  3. Implement Key Stakeholder Working Group 
  4. Shire History Internal Procedure Plan 
  5. Preservation Plan 
  6. Community and Social Media Engagement Plan 

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

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Do you wish to donate images or other types of memorabilia to our Local History collection?
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