Food Premises
If you are planning to sell food within the Shire you must notify the local Environmental Health Officer. This can be done with the Food Premise Notification form available on the link below. From this form the application will be assessed and the annual registration fee determined based on risk. A Certificate of Registration will then be issued for that business. There is a potential $10,000 penalty for failing to notify the Shire of your proposed food business.
Please click on the link to download a form if you are starting or structurally changing a food premises:
Information Sheet - Use of Home Kitchens
Food Premise Notification Form
Application for Stallholders/Traders Permit
I’M ALERT Food Safety Online Training
Food Safety Flyer
FREE Online Food Safety Training
Foreign Objects
If you find a foreign object in food, do not throw it or the food out. Try to leave the object imbedded in the food if possible. The food and object should be brought in to the appropriate Shire office for identification. The matter will be followed up with the retailer, manufacturer, packer or importer.
Food Poisoning
If you think you have food poisoning, keep any of the suspect food remaining in the refrigerator at 5 °C or less (not frozen). Visit your doctor immediately and ensure a faecal sample is taken if you have diarrhoea. This is to try and identify the bacteria or virus causing the illness.
Any suspect food will be collected by the Environmental Health Officer to be tested to identify possible bacteria/viruses in the food.
The Shire's Environmental Health Officer will investigate the food poisoning and you will be notified of any actions and outcomes. Please note it may take several weeks for results from the food laboratories.