Media Release: Findings of the Shire of Ashburton’s Successful Appeal Against Onslow Marine Support Base Conditions of License L9388/2023/1, Port of Onslow

Published on Saturday, 11 January 2025 at 7:00:00 AM

Findings of the Shire of Ashburton’s Successful Appeal Against Onslow Marine Support Base Conditions of License L9388/2023/1, Port of Onslow 


The Shire of Ashburton acknowledges the determination by the Honourable Reece Whitby MLA, Minister for Environment, in response to the appeal against the conditions of Licence L9388/2023/1 for Onslow Port Services Pty Ltd at the Onslow Marine Support Base (OMSB).

Key outcomes from the determination include: 

1.Noise emissions must comply with the prescribed standard: The licence now requires additional noise monitoring and reporting to ensure compliance with the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997. 

2. Conditions for potentially contaminated discharges can be improved: Several changes should be made to the licence conditions. These changes include ensuring that the bunded containment infrastructure is maintained as fit for purpose across multiple waste processing projects. Further, amendments are required to manage waste within the bunded containment area, effectively address the management of potentially contaminated wastewater, and enhance controls through a detailed waste acceptance planning process that requires better definition of waste types, potential containments and how the presence of contaminants will be verified and managed, preventing discharge into Beadon Creek.

3.Other waste management controls can be improved: Specific conditions have been introduced to manage biofouling waste, ensuring it is contained and disposed of appropriately to protect the local marine environment. Changes to the license conditions include waste is effectively contained during high wind events and does not discharge to Beadon Creek, stagnant water is effectively managed to mitigate the potential for mosquitoes to breed. Greater clarity on waste disposal practices has been mandated, requiring the licensee to meet strict environmental standards. 

4.Requirements for reporting: As a local government authority, the Shire should be advised for fire related reporting. The Minister has considered that this could help mitigate the potential for pollution and environmental harm. 

Shire President Audra Smith stated: 

"The Shire of Ashburton supports the Minister’s decision, which balances environmental protection with the operational needs of the Onslow Marine Support Base. These changes reflect the importance of responsible environmental management to ensure the sustainability of our region's natural assets.

“It has been a lengthy process, but I am pleased that the community’s concerns have been taken into account and considered in the amended Licencing conditions. We will continue to play our part in ensuring that the Shire is developed in accordance with the regulatory safeguards that protect our community and our environment,” she said.

The Shire remains committed to working with the State Government, local businesses and the community to ensure environmental sustainability and economic growth are achieved together. 

View the full appeal determination documents here; Home


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