Published on Monday, 20 February 2023 at 3:00:00 PM
Applications for both Community Support Grants and Signature Event Grants are now open for a six-week period, closing Tuesday 28 March 2023.
Community Support Grants and Signature Event Grants both provide the community with necessary funding to ensure clubs, groups and organisations can continue to thrive across the Shire.
Community Support Grants
Applicants can apply more than once each financial year if the total amount is less than $2,500. This includes cash and in-kind support such as donated venue hire.
Late applications will not to be considered. Please reference the Shire's Community Donations, Grants and Funding Policy.
Please note: Funding is only available to incorporated community and sporting organisations
To apply for a Community Support Grant, visit Page Centre - Community Support Grants.
Signature Event Grants
Signature Event Grants can be applied for projects and activities occurring between 23 August 2023 and 31 June 2025.
Applications must be received by the advertised closing date and may take up to eight weeks to be assessed for eligibility. Council will formally consider and approve applications in the following year’s financial budget allocation.
Incorporated and non-incorporated associations can apply. Commercial organisations cannot apply.
Applications are to be completed in full by an Office Bearer or authorised delegate.
Applications are initially assessed by Shire Officers for eligibility, then considered for approval by Council.
Applicants agree to submit an acquittal report, using the template provided by the Shire, within three months of the completion of the event, containing:
- An evaluation of the event.
- Proof that the grant was expended according to the approved application and distribution of any proceeds or profits.
Please ensure that you consider the Shire of Ashburton Disability and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) when submitting your application.
All areas of the application form must be completed; additional information may be attached if required.
Applications will not be funded retrospectively, unless the assistance is held up by budget adoption.
The grants are competitive and decisions to fund part or all of a request are based on:
- The extent to which the project directly benefits the residents of the Shire of Ashburton
- Funding and/or contributions from other sources.
To apply for a Signature Event Grant, visit Page Centre - Signature Event Grants
Further information
For more information or assistance, email [email protected]
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