COVID-19 Closure notice - Customer Service
Published on Friday, 27 March 2020 at 12:00:00 AM
In response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Shire of Ashburton customer service facilities are closed effective from 8.00am Friday 27 March 2020.
However we are still available from 8.00am until 4.30pm Monday to Friday for business as usual by using email, telephone or the internet to communicate. Every endeavour will be made to provide you with a timely customer service experience.
Please get in touch with us on 08 9188 4444 or email your relevant area.
Please also follow us on Facebook for updates and information related to COVID-19 and you can find useful links on our website.
We are happy to assist you with your enquiries and can take EFT payments over the telephone for payment of rates, invoices, animal registration fees, kennel fees, building and development fees etc. To protect your card security, please do not email your card details to us.
If you need to talk to a specific officer or area of the Council we are still able to transfer your calls.
If you need to report faults or issues please complete the ‘See It Report It” form located on the front page of our website at!/2
For Pannawonica
We will be available from 10.00 am until 3.45 pm Monday to Friday to respond to your enquiries. Every endeavour will be made to provide you with a timely customer service experience.
Note to Customers Returning Library Books
Onslow – please leave your library book in the box at the front door of the Library entrance between 8.00 am and 4.30 pm Monday to Friday. Do not return your books outside of these hours as if they go missing you may be liable to pay for them.
Note to Companies Delivering Parcels
- Onslow – please leave the parcel at the front door of the Council and phone 08 9184 9301 to advise a staff member that the delivery has been made.
- Tom Price – please leave the parcel at the front door of the Council Office and phone 08 9188 4444 to advise a staff member that the delivery has been made.
- Paraburdoo – If the parcel is too large to fit through the returned library book slot, then leave it at the front door and call 08 9190 2220 to advise a staff member that the delivery has been made.
- Pannawonica – If the parcel is too large to fit through the returned library book slot, then leave it at the front door and call 08 9134 9501 to advise a staff member that the delivery has been made.