Property Rates Concession
Published on Wednesday, 24 October 2018 at 12:00:00 AM
Due to the Landgate re-valuations this year, property rates have increased significantly for 2018/19.
After Shire staff held a ‘Rates Focus Group’ meeting in Onslow on Monday 8 October, Council has carefully listened to the community’s feedback and concerns around the financial burden faced by many as a result of the large rates increases.
To help ease the hardship and suffering caused by these rates increases, Council is now happy to offer a rates concession to eligible ratepayers.
A letter is now being drafted to those affected, which outlines the applicable concession, as well as an application form both of which will shortly be mailed to all ratepayers.
As land re-valuations vary in each town-site, Council has approved the following concessional rates:
- Paraburdoo: 12.5%
- Tom Price: 12.5%
- Onslow: 30% (If you are an Onslow resident and have already submitted an application form, your rebate will be processed at this concessional rate)
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Saul Gordon, Rates Officer, on 9188 4442