Public Notice Major Land Transaction

Published on Friday, 26 February 2021 at 10:29:33 AM

A business plan for the Shire of Ashburton proposal to commence a trading undertaking for the Acquisition of an Interest in Land (Lot 381 on Deposited Plan 205462) is available for public inspection at the Shire’s Administration Buildings located at 246 Poinciana Street, Tom Price; Ashburton Avenue, Paraburdoo; and Second Avenue, Onslow, between the hours of 9am – 4pm Monday to Friday.  Alternatively the business plan can be downloaded from the Shire’s website at

Members of the public are invited to make submissions in relation to the plan.  Submissions about the proposed plan should be lodged in writing (or by email to [email protected]) to the Chief Executive Officer and received no later than 4.00pm WST Tuesday 6 April 2021.


Kenn Donohoe

Chief Executive Officer

Shire of Ashburton

Lot 246 Poinciana Street

(PO Box 567)

Tom Price WA 6751