Reconstruction of Onslow Stormwater Outfalls – September 2024

Published on Thursday, 29 August 2024 at 12:02:05 PM

Reconstruction of Onslow Stormwater Outfalls – September 2024

The Shire of Ashburton has engaged contractors from Aaro Group to reconstruct the main stormwater ocean outfalls in Onslow. The existing structures are severely corroded and do not function effectively due to the silting up of the outlets. This is critical infrastructure for the town and needs to be repaired. The project location is shown in Figure 1 below. Most of the work will be conducted at the main stormwater outlet/ocean outfall adjacent to the Simpson Street boat ramp.


Figure 1 – Location of Drainage Outlets

Reconstruction of Simpson St Outlet

This is the focus of the project and will consume most of the time and resources. Unfortunately, the work cannot be undertaken without some disruption. However, the project is relatively short (approximately one month), so any disruption will be brief. A Traffic Management Plan has been prepared for the works, which includes construction fencing, signage, and speed restrictions.

The Simpson Street Boat Ramp will need to be closed for the duration of the works, and rock stockpile areas will be established on either side of the boat ramp.  Part of the vacant Shire land at the intersection of Second Avenue and Third Street will be used as a laydown area for pipes, prefabricated concrete elements, and machinery. The area will be appropriately signed and fenced (refer to Figure 2).


Figure 2 – Primary work area and laydown area

Project Duration

Project is scheduled from 9 September to 11 October.  Note that project dates are subject to change based in tides and other factors.

Possibility of Sunday Works

The contractor will try to avoid working on Sundays.  However, some work may be required on Sundays to take advantage of low tides. 

If necessary, Sunday work will be managed to minimise disruption and would not start until 9 am and would be finished by 5 pm.

Contact Details

Contractor Contact Details: Site Supervisor – Steve Phillips (0428 727 858)

Shire Contact Details: Project Manager – Alan Sheridan (0419 741 618)